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November 10, 2000

Kings Filed IV interview
Posted by @ 4:19 PM, EST
Core translated an interview with From Software.
A bit:

Question: How many different maps (areas) can we expect in Kings Field IV?

Nishida: Thirty or so. They won't be as big as Kings Field III, but somewhere between KF II and III in terms of scale.

Question: In other words, you feel the Kings Field title carries an obligation to offer a completely unique experience each time?

Nishida: That's our policy. Now the questions are; How far can we push the PlayStation2, and how quickly can we make games? Regardless, we want every new title to incorporate new elements that will make players sit up and take notice.
Full interview

# 2
Name: Bjorn, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, November, 12 2000 5:41 P.M. ip:
ooops :)

thanks for telling me.

# 1
Name: dino c, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, November, 12 2000 4:11 P.M. ip:
Just wanted to say that you accidentally mis-spelled your Title Heading for the "Kings Field Interview". Just wanted to help out in anyway.
Keep up the good work on the site. IT ROCKS!!!!!

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