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November 21, 2000

Oni interview
Posted by @ 3:08 PM, EST
Oni Central posted an interview with Lorraine Reyes @ Bungie Studios, talking about the PC/PS2 action game, Oni:

OC: Do you think the Oni comic will turn a few heads in the manga community (i.e. those who have no knowledge of Oni - shame on them! :)?

LR: Hmm. That's kinda hard to say. I haven't really been following the comic industry enough to gauge Sunny Lee's popularity. Phil Amara, the Dark Horse editor in charge of the comic, and I were in regular contact regarding Sunny Lee's work earlier on. There were some things about his style that worked and didn't work. But the last couple bits of art that I saw from Sunny aesthetically looked promising. However, doing pin-ups is a different matter to doing pages upon pages of sequential art. But! I'm hypercritical about how Konoko is drawn (and how females are drawn in comics in general) and how some artists incorporate "anime" into their style just by drawing big eyes and doing exaggerated expressions, so my thoughts on it may be a bit harsher than it should be. If the writing is good (and not obviously pandering) and the art is consistent (and that Konoko is not drawn like a guy with large breasts) then the comic will be a blast.
Full interview

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