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December 1, 2000

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force details
Posted by @ 8:20 PM, EST
IGN posted some new info on Majesco recently announced Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force.
Here’s a bit:

"They (Pipe Dream) just did four-player for Dreamcast Rogue Spear, so there is no reason to believe they wouldn't do it on PS2," said a Majesco representative, who added that the while Voyager is a port, it won't be a straight, no-frills port. It will include extras to make it unique on PS2.
Full article

# 3
Name: HDD, E-mail: , Date: Monday, December, 4 2000 7:21 P.M. ip:
so does your mother

# 2
Name: jigga, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, December, 3 2000 9:59 P.M. ip:
shut man u dont kno wat u sayin. 7of9 is so hottt!!!!!

# 1
Name: DDH, E-mail: , Date: Saturday, December, 2 2000 9:45 P.M. ip:
star trek sucks

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