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December 31, 2000

Gran Turismo 3 impressions
Posted by @ 11:03 AM, EST
We posted our first impressions of the Gran Turismo 3 demo.
Here’s a bit:

The game speeds along at what appears to be a constant 60 frames per second refresh rate. The sensation of virtual speed has been recreated like never before. This is evident when you drop the camera to first person view of the race. Unlike other webzines, we looked at this demo for hours on end before committing anything in written word. As a result, and this will break many hearts, I was able to find 2 small instances of draw-in in the one course we were given to play. It will not affect gameplay but it is present and hopefully will not show up in the final release or in other tracks. This is another example of not enough console power but how well developers can program using the tools and skills they have.
Full article

# 5
Name: Gerben (the netherlands), E-mail: , Date: Thursday, January, 4 2001 07:02 A.M. ip:
i think the game will be perfect when released because they will not take the risk of small errors and probebly it will delay the release instead of releasing it with small errors.

# 4
Name: curiuos, E-mail: , Date: Tuesday, January, 2 2001 05:34 A.M. ip:
oh ok. thanx

# 3
Name: V|PeR, E-mail: , Date: Monday, January, 1 2001 1:02 P.M. ip:
he means that there are parts where you see the backround pop in

# 2
Name: curious, E-mail: , Date: Monday, January, 1 2001 05:57 A.M. ip:
what do u mean by draw-in?

# 1
Name: INSOLID, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, December, 31 2000 7:39 P.M. ip:
I want this game,i want driving GT3!

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