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October 21, 2001

Jak and Daxter Media Update
Posted by @ 2:37 PM, EDT

While Microsoft succeeded in attracting players to the Xbox at the Autumn Tokyo Game Show last weekend, Sony had several surprises in store for attendees. One of them being a playable demo disc of Naughty Dog's upcoming PlayStation 2 action title Jak & Daxter. Graphically the game looks very impressive with huge environments and virtually no loading times. Moreover, aside from straightforward platform-style action, the game includes several controllable vehicles. To really understand the game however, you need to experience it. For a sampling of what you can expect check out some new footage and screens below.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Jak and Daxter (1) MPG - 5MB
Jak and Daxter (2) MPG - 7MB

Thanks to Core for the info

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