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March 19, 2002

Superman interview
Posted by @ 7:41 AM, EST
Superman homepage posted an interview with Rob Smith, the Senior Producer responsible for the up-coming PS2 Superman game.
Heres a slice:

Q: What do you think fans will most like about this new Superman game? What are you most proud of about the game?

A: Graphically the game is as close as possible to the animated series, our Lead Artist, Mark, has been obsessive about it (he even runs around the office in a red cape ;-). From a gameplay point of view, the player has access to all of the powers from the start...we came to the conclusion that people buying a Superman game wanted just that, not something with contrived pick ups to give you an ability.
Also, the size of the levels is really impressive, there's really a sense of scale! Oh, and bearing in mind you play the World's Strongest Man, when you hit someone you really HIT someone!
Full interview

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