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November 18, 1999

Site stuff.....
Posted by @ 2:46 PM, EST
I did some more changes to the main page today, and I still have a few things to do. Hopefully you think the page looks better now than before :)

Also, we are still looking for contributing editors. We need more features and more previews. So if you know you are good at writing and want to join us then write a preview of a PS2 game and . Or if you already have written for other sites then send me a sample of your work.
You will need to write one preview or feature every two weeks.

It is time for a new poll… anyone have any good suggestions for it?
If so then post them in the ‘comments’ for this update

Comment: How about a poll on the worst and/or best features of the PS2?

Comment: Why not have a 'most wanted game people want on PS2

Comment: Looks like you people like the comments ;)

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