Halo preview
Posted by @ 1:10 PM, EST
We kicked up a fat Preview of Bungie’s upcoming game Halo.
Here’s a slice:
"The single player mode sees players controlling a cyborg warrior in 3rd person perspective. There is an impressive list of weapons to use like pistols with laser sight, harpoons, flame-throwers, sniper rifles, gattling gun, and even SAMS (surface-to-air missiles).
Players must also drive various vehicles for land, air and water. The jeep is the primary means of transportation and it's mounted with a powerful machine gun.
Some of the missions in the game will include searching for your comrades and trying to find ways off of the planet to search and destroy missions. You get around the world in the jeep most of the time but occasionally you'll have the chance to take a tank for a spin."
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