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December 15, 1999

Evergrace preview
Posted by @ 12:29 PM, EST
The lads over at Gamespot kicked up a preview of Evergrace.
Here’s a slice:

"When you acquire weapons and armor, the graphics of the characters in the game will reflect the equipment you've gained. In the PlayStation2 version, the shield is no longer a part of the equipment list, so you must now rely more on your controls rather than just use the shield to block off enemy attacks. The game will feature a fashion critic, and you will receive discounts for buying or repairing weapons and armor if the critic gives you a good rating. Enemies may occasionally drop rare weapons and armor, adding more gameplay for hard-core players.

Already looking stunning on the visual front, Evergrace may be the "launch" RPG to watch out for. We'll give you more information about this game as we get it. Evergrace is expected for a spring 2000 release in Japan."

Full preview

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