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February 7, 2000

Brandon Reinhart Interview
Posted by @ 6:55 PM, EST
AGN slapped up an interview with Epic’s Brandon Reinhart about the UT engine port for the PS2.
Here are a few slices from the interview:

"Playstation 2, how cool is this machine? Because I am starting to wonder if we are going to get sucked into the hype faze or is this machine as powerful as they say and is it more powerful than the Dreamcast?

Well it is pretty cool. I have not seen a whole lot of the marketing demos that they pull off with like the free looking water and stuff like that. What I have mainly been looking at is programmer demos and stuff like how to throw off triangles in the screen and how to implement control and stuff. From what we have done so far it definitely looks like it is going to live up to the expectations. It is definitely a very fast machine.

How will the multiplayer be of the Playstation 2? Will people playing Unreal engine based games on the Playstation 2 be able to play against people on the PC?

It is certainly possible, but I don't think that it is what we will do. If we did an Unreal Tournament for the Playstation 2, we will probably do all new levels and a lot of new content. We would definitely be taking advantage of a much higher poly count. So we would have much more detailed characters, much more detailed weapons."

Full interview

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