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February 10, 2000

PS2 matches top DVD players for image
Posted by @ 11:34 AM, EST
From The Nihon Keizai Shimbun Friday edition:

"TOKYO --Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. claimed Thursday that its eagerly awaited PlayStation2 game console, due to be released March 4, matched high-end DVD players in terms of DVD-Video playback capabilities.

"The image definition is as good as those of DVD players," Ken Kutaragi, president of SCE, claimed.

PlayStation2 also features such functions as foreign language subtitle indication and multi-angle viewing offered by high-end models."

Comment: Will the be regional coding for its DVD playback ? Can i play a Code 1 DVD on a PS 2 ?

Comment: Yeah, I know he's the *President*, but lets get to the point: The PS2 is a revolutionary machine that for $300 can render graphics better than supercomputers (proof of this is the whole George Lucas article where he says the PS2 could do in real-time everything he needed supercomputers to render over weeks) and can run dvd's with the best of them. What's so hard to believe about that?!?!?! With the Emotion Engine under the hood, the system has no limits. Oh yeah, all my fellow bro's here at PSX2 Central, the Matrix sequels (parts 2 and 3) will be released in 2002, and will be releasd only months apart in that year. Reeves, Fishburne, and Moss will be back for their roles as Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity (give me a hell yeah!!!). I can't wait for the PS2 games that will be based on the movies- they will be mindblowing, considering they're coming from the man that made Metal Gear Solid.

Comment: SCE said software processing of DVD-Video is an advantage because upgrades can be done via a software distribution. SCE said it intends to add progressive scan (525p) output capability to Playstation 2's DVD-Video function within half a year. That capability is available now only on top-end DVD-Video players.

this comes from:

Comment: Kituka, don't be so naive. Did you actually expect the *President* of SCE to say otherwise? Of course he's gonna hype up the PS2's DVD playback capability up the wazoo. It's called Marketing 101. Now if the PS2 outputs a true progressive scanning MPEG2 video stream, I'll be impressed, *very* impressed. But somehow, I think Sony's gonna leave some room in their product lineup for $2000 progressive scanning DVD players.

Comment: Hey Kituka... YOU ARE RIGHT !!! PS2 WILL RULE... !!!

Comment: If Kutaragi said its dvd playback quality matches that of some $1800-$2800 high-end dvd players, I'm most certainly going to believe HIM and not you, Ronin. And by the way, for the U.S. it's going to be $300 (an utter steal if you realize what you're getting).

Comment: Cosa chiedere di piu' da questa console?PSX2 FOREVER

Comment: I'm so sorry. ps2 is my greatest fear please don't buy it. its price is only $250

Comment: those comments about the dvd quality is mostly in accurate...dont get me wrong ps2 will be a great console....but the quality of its dvd playback will be no worse or no better than a pc dvd player, you would need proper shielding and components of a much higher quality to put it in a league with highend players...and freakly that is not possible in a $400 dollar machine..

Comment: Playstation2 is gonna rule over the SEGA/nintendo consoles!!!!

Comment: Oh man. The Matrix + PS2 = the end-them-all combination (at least for me and I'm sure also for many others out there too). PS2 is the ultimate machine, the future of digital entertainment, no doubt about that.

Comment: well so much for all those Sega / Nintendo freaks who claim PS2's dvd playback was just medocre and limited,this pretty much dispells all their rumors.

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