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February 19, 2000

Tim Sweeney on PS2
Posted by @ 11:12 AM, EST
Time Sweeney of Epic made a little post:

"We're not ready to give specifics on our Playstation2 game plans, though we're trying to make it really obvious that we have big ones. :)

Any Playstation2 game we release will have significant enhancements compared to what what we've done on the PC thus far. The obvious, definite things we're adding to the engine which will improve console gaming include:

* Split-screen multiplayer.
* Skeletal animation, for better animations and memory savings.
* Terrain, for large outdoor areas.

Epic is an official Sony Playstation2 middleware provider, so developers licensing the enhanced Unreal Tournament engine for Playstation2 can be assured of our support."

Thanks to the Voodooextreme for the info.

Comment: I am 99% sure that you can(a different mod chip than the playstation)

Comment: can u put a MOD chip in a sony 2

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