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February 21, 2000

Summoner stuff...
Posted by @ 4:24 PM, EST
Voodooextreme posted some quotes from the Summoner forum:

"The combat is in real-time, but you have the option to pause, pan around, issue new orders, etc. It's similar in those respects to the way Baldur's Gate treated combat."

This post was by Volition's Dave Baranec in regards to the GeForce:
"The Geforce256 doesn't hold even a lit matchstick to the PSX2. ;-)"

And this one on the Athlon (vs. PSX2):
"Actually, in almost every way, the PSX2 _would_ be superior to that Athlon machine. The only area it would have trouble competing in would be screen resolution, although that's mostly because TV screens simply can't handle them."

Comment: HELL YEAH!

Comment: PS2 will piss all over the Athlon and the GeForce. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Give me a HELL YEAH!!!!

Comment: Tim Borrelli of Volition: "Since we are developing the game with both platforms in mind, it's safe to say not much will be different between the two, gameplay and graphics wise. On the PS2, you'll be watching a TV and on the PC, you'll be watching a computer monitor."

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