PlayStation Festival Impressions
Posted by @ 1:16 PM, EST
Gamefan wrote some impressions of the PS festival.
A slice:
"The sheer volume of the library for this console in the early stages is mind-blowing, and a large part of it was playable at the show. Nearly every game ran at a sexy 60fps with no slow-down (I still can’t get over playing Ridge Racer at that frame-rate). Just compare this launch lineup to the Dreamcast launch in Japan, which consisted of Godzilla Generations, Pen Pen TriIcelon, July and Virtua Fighter 3 TB, and you’ll see why I’m excited. There was also a kiosk at the festival showing the DVD version of “The Matrix” on multiple screens, to remind people of the PS2’s other capabilities. To a degree, there were no surprises at the festival in terms of playable games--if you’ve been paying close attention to the stories on the Web, you already know about everything there without even going. But playing the likes of Ridge Racer V has got me anxious about it all. Just think: If this is what the Japanese launch is like, imagine what the U.S. launch will be like later this year…when U.S. exclusives like Unreal Tournament, Munch’s Oddysee and Ninja Gaiden are added to the mix. I can’t wait..."
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