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February 25, 2000

Amored Core 2 Network battle features?
Posted by @ 7:58 AM, EST
According to a few sites on the net it seems like From Software will include network features into their mech combat game Armored Core2...

Comment: Were did you get this information Freak?It sounds really interesting.Or is that hypothetical?If its a hypothesis then you have a great hypothesis that people should start to discuss

There.Are you happy now?

Comment: Sorry man.

Comment: Sorry man.I am not from england or america.

Comment: its Discuss not Disguss. anyway this sound like a neat feature. I wonder if we can trade AC parts. BTW I am a AC veteran <(^_^)>

Comment: Were did you get this information Freak?It sound really interesting.Or is that hypothetical?If its a hypothesis then you have a great hypothesis that people should start to disguss

Comment: You will be able to download new things for the game from the Internet but YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE to play others online.It just means that if the developers of Armored Core 2 want to add a level to the game then you can download that level from the Internet.If they wanted to make it really realistic they could create new downloadable missions that you could accept or refuse to do.And then your mech would become stronger and eventually when you can go on the Net you can fight other peoples mech's!!!

Comment: Maybe Sony is readying a surprise for us gamers

Comment: i'm sort of confused with this info too,is this going to be something From Software is going to have on their own to use with existing modem technology with PC's or is it just being implimented into the game to be ready for Sony's broadband service next year? strange,but cool...

Comment: If that is true about playing multiplayer over the net then why does sony say we wont be able to play online until 2001 Bjorn??

Comment: They mean you can play it in multiplayer mode via the internet i think.If I am correct you would be able to play and chat with other people using a modem just like when playing FIFA using a modem.Or maybe you could download add-ons for the game(i am not very sure about that one) like weapons, meches e.t.c

Comment: Does this mean it will have online capability's. Im confused can anyone help me out

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