Gran Turismo 2000 Interview
Posted by @ 1:54 PM, EST
slapped up a fat interview with Kazunori Yamauchi, the director of the Gran Turismo games.
A few spicy slices from it:
"Press attendee: Could you give examples of what type of things will change?
KY: This is just the improved version of GT2, where just I’ve added blur effects and real-time environment mapping. There are many more details that I would like to add, because this is just an improved version – I want to create something that is much more realistic. I can’t go into details right now, but I hope you’ll be impressed.
Press attendee: Have you started experimenting with DualShock2 yet?
KY: Yes. [demonstrates the analogue button on the accelerator in game] It’s already analogue acceleration. We’re still making adjustments. In GT2 the brakes are mainly anti-lock, but now the user will be able to control the pressure of the breaks using analogue control. When I was experimenting with the accelerator users thought they were flooring it, but they weren’t. So that’s why we’re still making adjustments.
Press attendee: Will there be any other game modes, like a four-player option for example?
KY: I’m thinking about implementing a four-player multi-player mode. I think PS2 enables a real multi-player mode
Press attendee: How many polygons are we looking at now, in total, compared to how many that will appear in the finished product?
KY: Right now you’re looking at two million polygons [on screen]. The course hasn’t been optimised, so the polygons aren’t being used efficiently right now. The rendering engine we talked about earlier can handle 10 million polygons per second. It depends how many effects we’ve got on there, but that’s how much it can handle."