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February 28, 2000

Newsweek PS2 coverage
Posted by @ 5:46 PM, EST
Newsweek kicked up a big article about the PS2...
A piece of it:

"It's historic, a mass-market appliance that fundamentally changes society in the way the printing press did," says Trip Hawkins, founder of Electronic Arts and CEO of 3DO. "This is a new canvas for humanity that takes us back to our nature."

Such hyberbole is music to the ears of Ken Kutaragi. These days, the 53-year-old former engineer wears a smile that would require a ton of polygons to reproduce. His odyssey began in the mid-1980s, when he first conceived of building "a new type of entertainment" based on high-end graphics. But to Sony's brain trust, the idea was "embarrassing... Sony was very much an audiovisual hardware company [that considered] game machines as toys," he says. Finally, Sony's CEO, then Norio Ohga, took a chance on the project, and Kutaragi created the first PlayStation, released in 1994.

Full article

Comment: Well, Newsweek's finally realized what we've known all along- that the PS2 WILL KICK ASS!!!!!

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