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February 29, 2000

PS2 article
Posted by @ 1:36 PM, EST
Newsweek posted another fat article on the PS2. Interesting reading...
Here’s a slice:

The PS 2 could change that: from football and baseball to strategy and combat, the flagship games for PlayStation 2 are so visually seductive that they may make even confirmed nongamers think about picking up a controller. "I've spent the last 18 years preparing for the next two years," says Roach. "The reason they're calling [the PS2] the Emotion Engine is because we'll finally be able to break the visual barrier so people can identify with the characters." Fortunately for us, the new games shouldn't cost more than the $30-$40 we're paying right now. And to keep broadening the fan base, Sony has adjusted its licensing strategy so that publishers can come out with low-end games for as little as $13 and still turn a profit.

Tecmo's Tomonobu Itagaki is extremely proud of his fighting game Dead or Alive 2, which is coming out for Dreamcast in the United States later this year. But having maxed out the graphics capability of the Dreamcast, Itagaki is psyched for the increased realism offered by PlayStation 2: "I can create a more emotional world with more details and more realistic facial expressions. The physics will be more accurate. I'll be able to do smoke, fire and water. With current technology, the thickness of the fog is even throughout. With PlayStation 2, one part can be thin and another thick."

Full article

Name:Unknown answer
Comment: Dont comfuse me with unknown

Name:Uknown answer
Comment: Dont comfuse me with unknown

Name:mm and bjorn humping away!!! La La La!!! Hell Yeah!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment: i don't have much to say, but i'll make it short and simple....first of all, unknown, you could go straight to hell...second of all, PS2 Buyer, you go straight to hell as well, do not pass go, do not pay $200, and be sure to kiss my beautiful (_i_) on your way there. Who in their right minds would pay $500+ dollars for a mediocre console, give me a fuckin break!


Comment: go to hell, it's allot hotter

Name:PS2 Buyer
Comment: Dang, these guys at Tecmo must be impressive. They're the first developers I've heard of that were able to max out the capabilities on any system just over a year after the system's debut. Most developers, even first party guys, usually seem to take three years or more to completely max out the hardware.

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