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March 7, 2000
PlayStation2 To Access Internet Via Cell Phone
Posted by @ 3:26 PM, EST
From The Nihon Keizai Shimbun Wednesday morning edition:
TOKYO --Users of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.'s new PlayStation2 game console will be soon able to use the machine to access the Internet via cellular phones, Ken Kutaragi, president of SCE, said Tuesday.
By connecting a portable phone to the game console, users will be able to order goods or play games against online opponents without using a modem or a fixed phone line, Kutaragi told The Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
SCE plans to ultimately link the 128-bit game console, which debuted on Saturday, to the high-speed cable television network, which will start from 2001. The firm intends that cellular phone systems will be used to link the console with the Internet until the cable TV network comes on stream.
PlayStation2 has a multipurpose port so "the service can be started immediately after sales begin of special software and a cable to connect a portable phone with PlayStation2," Kutaragi said.
Because the cellular phone system handles digital signals, there will be no need for a modem to convert to and from analog signals.
"The data transmission speed of the portable phone system will reach 64 kilobits per second by the end of this year and will soon be double that again, which is comparable to the level of digital subscriber lines," he said.
Comment: Yes Australia does sucks arse in technology decisions and general availability
Comment: it would be hell expensive to use cellular in australia. furthermore, data transfer with GSM is 9600baud even though it is digital & actually a 64Kbit capable concept, due to stupid limitations by the cellular companies in their switching and grid technology. GSM2 or PCS will improve this connect rate. I do not know about Japan though? Why not allow any PCMCIA or USB modem to work (granted, makers of such things would need to write drivers...they may not want to)
Comment: the reason i said its not so great is because i dont think it will happen here in america. its great in japan because everyone has a cellphone and the all use the same server(i think) but there are too many companies in the us and we are too spread out. but i could be wrong, so anyone that wants to clear this up for preciate it!
Comment: isnt that going to expensive? No not really. In a lot of cases a cell phone here in Japan is cheaper than a home phone. Plus if you use a PHS type phone here the net connection is faster than if you used a 56k dial up.
Comment: isnt that going to expensive?
Comment: A cell phone to get on. Hmmmm sounds different. But cool.
Name:Iron Curtain
Comment: The Sega Fanatics said "TWO CONTROLLER PORTS!!!" Of course, the PS2 will come out with a Multitap, which offers 5 players. Add 2 multitaps, and you'd then get 8 players! Let's see the DC do that! They also said "NO MODEM!" Now, with the Celluar thing, you would have a cell phone AND a modem! I guess Sony's "problems" seem to be fixed w/ opposite results!!
Comment: i wasn't expecting this,but heh,i'm game! i like the idea of not having to get a modem,hope it would work well with multiplayer gaming...
Comment: Actually it is!!!!!!!!! :)
Comment: wow, thats awesome...ok, so its not...
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