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March 13, 2000

Play American DVDs on Japanese PS2!
Posted by @ 12:19 PM, EST
According to GIA you can play US DVDs (region 1) on the Japanese PS2.
A slice from their article:

The first code comes from the GIA's own J.T. Kauffman; it is apparently circulating Japanese message boards and web sites. The code is: hold down L1, Circle, and Select. This code has worked with both the Dual Shock 1 and 2 with about 40% accuracy.

The second code comes from a friend of the GIA known as Barubary. The code is: press in L3 (the left analog stick) straight and hard. This code does not work with the Dual Shock 1, but works with the Dual Shock 2 with about 60% accuracy.

The newest, third code comes from GIA friend Nick "Rox" Des Barres. Nick reports that this code works an astounding 95% of the time. The instructions follow:
* Insert a first-generation PlayStation pad (i.e., not an analog controller) in Control Port 1 of the PS2.
* Insert DVD
* Hold UP on the pad until the DVD menu appears
* Highlight the play icon and select it.

Full article

Comment: I've tried these methods and the last one, the easiest one seems to work about 20% of the time. Why I even bother trying when I have a Region 1 DVD below is beyond me! Hmmm maybe this would work with the games too. : )

Comment: please help me in directing the use of the utility disc for PS2. When loaded, there are several options to pick from. Please translate the listing please, especially on loading the dvd drivers onto the memory card! Thanks.

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