Ridge Racer V Reader Review
Posted by @ 3:24 PM, EST
Dan Riley sent in a review of RRV.
Here’s a bit:
Eye candy alone does not a game make, however. Racing games are all about the control and game play. Veteran Ridge Racers will not be disappointed. The vintage power slide that has graced all four of the previous RR games is back once again. Better yet, the Dual Shock 2 analog stick controls this facet of the game to perfection. Gamers that are new to the series may trouble grasping the power slide, as it is a lot more quirky than the superior cornering in, say, Daytona USA. That, however, is simply Namco's style showing through. Ridge Racer V is easily good enough to make a novice stick around to learn the control system, and that is what is most important.
Full Reader Review
Name:Hasan Beci |