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May 2, 2000

Sky Surfer Review
Posted by @ 4:21 PM, EDT
A new review is up, this time Sky Surfer eats the dust.
Some of it:

Some reviews are long and detailed, some are short and concise. This one is longer than it should be, there's not much to say about this game. It's polished enough for you to recognize that its PS2, but only just, which in my mind is sufficient comment to try and dissuade you from buying it. Enter the first, and hopefully one of the few, real flops of this glorious new machine.

Full review

# 5
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, May, 3 2000 12:37 P.M. ip:
Oh yea, and as for the DC owners, some are pretty cool, and some are just plain BITTER. You can just take the those kind with a grain of salt- like I always do :)

# 4
Name: Cubby, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, May, 3 2000 12:33 P.M. ip:
Take it easy, man. Those crap games were meant for the JAPANESE market, you really think Sony will let 'em slip through to the US? I seriously doubt it. Besides, PS2 ain't even OUT in the US yet, you can't judge a console on just import games, which is what a lot of people have been doing recently.

I personally think Japanese gamers have it really bad cause they have to put up with such garbage- they're like guinea pigs that game devs use to test out crap games before they decide whether or not it's good enuf to go Stateside, since US gamers are so much more picky and harder to satisfy than Japanese gamers are. I kinda feel sorry for them sometimes, but then it all kinda evens out because they get to try out all the good stuff first as well as the bad.

# 3
Name: MIDI P-Chan, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, May, 3 2000 09:22 A.M. ip:
All right thats it! I have had enough of these graphical demo games! you know what i'm talkin about...fantavision...primal joining those ranks is sky surfer. all these games are are nothing more than a shot in the dark at a half assed attempt at rushing out a PS2 game so they can have a stake in the ps2 market asap. give us a break! hell even the original PS had some bad release titles but nothing this horrible! sure it had its cyber sled and beyond the beyond but at least those had some redeming qualities. PS2 developers need to take some more time, figure out how to really use the VU's and then maybe...with the right kinda idea for the it, release a game. cuz this crap they're doing now ain't cutting it. don't get me wrong i love Sony and the PSX(PSX2), but the last thing I need is to be haranged by Dreamcast owners about all the crap being put out for PS2 right now.

# 2
Name: Stephen, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, May, 3 2000 08:46 A.M. ip:

# 1
Name: Shawn, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, May, 3 2000 07:29 A.M. ip:
Jee i wish that just a few of thet games I previewed will turn out good. Allthese bad game reviews are making them look bad.

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