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May 9, 2000

Unreal Tournament screens
Posted by @ 1:14 PM, EDT
IGN posted two new PS2 screens of Epic’s UT:
pic #1, pic #2

# 2
Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, May, 10 2000 3:57 P.M. ip:
Unfortunately for the second time I am saying they are not using the PS2 power proberly.cyberex17 its nit you.Its the graphics.
Anyway its a very nice game.

# 1
Name: cyberex17, E-mail: , Date: Wednesday, May, 10 2000 12:15 P.M. ip:
Is it me or are the graphics not so good (details and other)? Because I have the game on cpu and it looks almost the same!

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