Madden 2001 impressions
Posted by @ 11:10 AM, EDT
DailyRadar posted their impressions on EA’s Madden game.
A slice:
At this week's sports camp, EA officially revealed the long-anticipated star sports game of the PS2 launch, Madden NFL 2001, and Sony Radar was amazed. Early screens and movies didn't do justice to this amazingly gorgeous football game. As players take the field, it is possible to see incredible details in the various models. Facemask, tape, elbow pads, visors and wristbands all differentiate players and correlate to the equipment each one actually wears in the NFL. The coaches, remaining on the sidelines, are no less impressive. Each one paces the sidelines, shouting orders and generally stressing out.Some half-new screens:
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Name: the_son_of_metal_gear, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, July, 23 2000 9:13 P.M. ip: | |
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I agree. this is definetally one of the first games i'm gonna get for the PS2. i cant wait for the franchise mode!! it is gonna have it, right? |
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Name: Irvin, E-mail: , Date: Friday, July, 21 2000 03:02 A.M. ip: | |
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It's getting better and better every time I look at it.FANTASTIC! |