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July 28, 2000

Age Of Empires II preview
Posted by @ 10:05 AM, EDT
Here’s a bit of our Age Of Empires II preview:

It's the middle ages, from the fall of the Roman Empire on to the Emperial Age and gunpowder. This period covers about 1000 years from 500 AD to 1500 AD. It is a real time strategy game of controlling a civilization from its humble beginnings and building it up over time into a world superpower. Anyone interested in European history would find this game fascinating.
Full preview

# 4
Name: d, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, July, 30 2000 5:03 P.M. ip:

# 3
Name: the_son_of_metal_gear, E-mail: , Date: Saturday, July, 29 2000 2:38 P.M. ip:
i guess we'll find out sometime later, mr. ...

# 2
Name: ..., E-mail: , Date: Saturday, July, 29 2000 02:35 A.M. ip:
Wouldn't it be kinda hard to control without a mouse?

# 1
Name: the_son_of_metal_gear, E-mail: , Date: Friday, July, 28 2000 9:58 P.M. ip:
sweeeet. i love those god games or whatever they call em. one o my friends has warcraft II and da's a sweet game. looks like it could be a great game.

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