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August 10, 2000

Summoner impressions
Posted by @ 3:32 PM, EDT
IGN kicked up some impressions along with screens and movies of Volition’s RPG, Summoner.
Here’s a bit:

When you're fighting these little fellows, you can't just sit and let battles unfold - to involve you in things a bit more, the combat system has been updated with a chaining technique reminiscent of Vagrant Story. When you land one strike on an opponent, a little infinity symbol appears briefly, during which time you have a chance to add another attack to that last one. You do this by tapping a D-pad direction - the four directions each correspond to an extra magical or physical attack. After that attack hits, another infinity appears, and you can try for a third hit, a fourth one, and so on. How effectively you can chain attacks depends on your character's abilities and weaponry.
Full article
Daily Radar also posted new Summoner movies.

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