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August 16, 2000

Interview with Imagineer
Posted by @ 7:11 PM, EDT
Core kicked up an interview with managing director Chicora-san and staff supervisor Ms. Morishige discussing development on their upcoming PS2 puzzle title AquaAqua
A slice:

Question: What's changed the most from the original Wetrix?

Morishige-san: It was difficult to grasp the concept of the original. We made it more clear on the Nintendo 64, where you simply competed for a high score. The theme of the PlayStation2 incarnation is 'Earth Creation,' with enhanced graphics and new stages.

Question: Can you explain the game-play?

Morishige-san: You have to build land in patterns to trap water and form lakes. If you pile up too much land, you'll have an earthquake. It's a balancing act between making small and large lakes.
Full interview

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