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August 22, 2000

Red Faction preview
Posted by @ 3:30 PM, EDT
DailyRadar posted a preview of Volition’s PC/PS2 first-person-shooter, Red Faction.
A bit:

What's most exciting, though, is the release of Volition's Geo Mod engine, allowing for realtime, arbitrary geometry modification. Put another way, you can blow things up -- all sorts of things. While we haven't had a chance to test this out for ourselves, the potential for entirely new forms of destruction is huge. Imagine hiding in wait for a squad of Ultor goons, then bringing select chunks of ceiling down on them with a well-placed rocket. Environmental destruction won't be limited to caverns, though. Most of the screens we've seen so far detail subterranean shootouts with squads of Ultor thugs and vehicles, but we know that gamers will be able to take the fight to the pristine Ultor labs on the Martian surface and even the satellites orbiting above.
Full preview

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