Red Faction details
Posted by @ 4:01 PM, EDT
DailyRadar posted an article about Volition’s PC/PS2 FPS Red Faction.
A slice:
Loftus detailed further the freedom the gamer will have. "What we use is Geometry Modification, so certain weapons -- like a rocket launcher or an explosive, or if you are in a vehicle -- you can cause the world to be destroyed in a way that is not precalculated. So, for example, you may have a guy in a sniper tower shooting at you, and the best way to take him out is to shoot the base of the tower. Or if you had a vehicle, you could crash into the tower to make it collapse. And that isn't scripted, so how you want it to be destroyed is up to you. You could shoot it at the bottom and make the whole thing fall over, or you could shoot the platform where he is standing to make him fall off."Full article