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September 29, 2000

New games announced
Posted by @ 4:21 PM, EDT
Twisted Metal Black was announced yesterday at SCEA's Gamers' Day.
IGN posted details about the game along with some screens:

With the intention of restoring the series to a more dignified level, Jaffe said that this new version in the series, just like the original product, is meant to be a fighting game played in vehicles. In the demo shown today, players get the chance to play brand new versions of old favorites, such as Sweet Tooth, but to explore new vehicles and experience a new sense of destruction and mayhem.
Screens: pic #1, pic #2
Go here for more info & screens

IGN posted some more info about the Gamer’s Day event.
A bit:
The PS2 officially will not include a pack-in demo disc in the North American PS2

Sony confirmed that it is working on all of its major licenses for PS2, including Gameday, Twisted Metal and Syphon Filter

Sony is in the works with several new franchises for PS2, two of which are coming from Insomniac and Naughty Dog, which both claim second-party status.
Full article

# 1
Name: Red_Xlll_1, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, October, 1 2000 12:37 P.M. ip:
Wow!!! Lookin cool!!!

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