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October 27, 2000

SSX interview
Posted by @ 4:43 PM, EDT
Gamespot posted an interview with Steve Rechtschaffner, the executive producer of SSX.
Here’s a bit:

GS: One of the more amazing things about the game is its courses. Who designed them and what were the inspirations behind them?

SR: Well, they were designed by a group of people: myself, Larry Lapierre, who is the producer, three course designers, and three people who actually built all the objects on the course. It was a very cool process where we started out with a combination of themes of what we wanted the courses to be - like the Aloha Ice Caps. That was probably one of the first ideas we had. We thought, "Wouldn't it be cool to be on an iceberg when it's breaking apart." Then we went back and decided that because of its intricate design it would be an expert-level course. So we had to decide what it is that the players know how to do when they get to that course and what is it that we want to give people on this course that they haven't done before.
Full interview

# 1
Name: Bubbles, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, October, 29 2000 6:39 P.M. ip:

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