New reviews
Posted by @ 6:11 PM, EST
Gamefan posted reviews of NHL 2001, Kessen and Street Fighter EX3.
GIA posted a review of Koei’s Kessen:
To reach a wider audience, KOEI has opted to simplify their usual famously detailed gameplay. Gone is the micromanaging of cities, people, food, politics and diplomacy; instead this title focuses on the battlefield almost exlcusively. Kessen's massive battle sequences begin with traditional deployment and troop management; choose your generals, soldiers, then finally your battle outline. Battles then proceed in real time.Full review
The gameplay functions in this game are simple, collect buoys for points, acquire points for tricks, and get tubed for points. If you beat the time limit, you'll receive another 100 points, too. But the actual execution of the tricks is quite a trial. Just like Ubi Soft's Surf Riders, it's truly possible to do the moves, but you'll be exhausted and annoyed and disgusted once you learn just how they're done, and how how lame they look and feel. First you use the meter on the screen to determine how fast you're going, then you aim up toward the lip and press an L button to pull off moves. Once in the air, you press various L buttons to pull off mutes, nose grabs, 360s, and others.Full review