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December 6, 2000

Lunar 3 for PS2
Posted by @ 7:23 PM, EST
RPGamer posted an interview with Working Designs, where Lunar3 is confirmed for the PS2:

RPGamer: The obvious first question concerns Lunar 3. While GameArts will be developing the sequel, what can you tell us about the game, and the possibility of its release here... possibly via Working Designs?

WD: I can't really tell you anything about the game except that it's being done, and is for PS2. Oh yeah, I can say that it will blow people away, being the first completely "new" LUNAR designed from scratch since 1995. The way Game Arts is making use of the new technology will amaze people.
Full interview

# 1
Name: tony, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, December, 17 2000 2:07 P.M. ip:
Hope it's better than Gungriffon Blaze.Give me some firepower man.

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