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January 10, 2001

Posted by @ 8:22 PM, EST
Gamespot posted hands-on impressions of Capcom’s adventure game, Onimusha:

Onimusha really doesn't stray too far from the Resident Evil formula. You spend most of your time moving from one static location to the next, and you view most of the game through overdramatic camera angles. Akechi spends plenty of time indoors, moving through narrow passageways and flipping hidden switches. Still, the focus this time is definitely on fast-paced sword-slashing action, as enemies have a nasty habit of respawning and Akechi's sword attack is lightning quick and does a very good job of auto-aiming on enemies. Akechi will often circle around enemies, and he'll even alternate his sword blows between two attacking baddies to keep both at bay. Additionally, killing enemies leaves their souls behind, and you can absorb those souls through the demon gauntlet to provide you with special power-ups.
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Gamespot also posted reviews of 3DO’s World Destruction League: Thunder Tanks and Aqua-Aqua.

DailyRadar posted first impressions of Bungie’s action game, Oni:
Weapons and items are all accessible on the fly and with one button you can drop a weapon, pick up a weapon, reload, swap weapons with one on the ground and do just about anything else in the game. The R3 button (pushing down on the right analog stick) is used to pick up items and, thanks to the inverse kinematics in the game, it's possible to combine that action with any others. This allows you to pick up a weapon while in the middle of a cartwheel -- and really see it happening -- then jump in the air, flipping and shooting the entire time.
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IGN also posted first impressions of Oni.

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