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February 5, 2001

F1 Championship Season 2000 review
Posted by @ 5:57 PM, EST
We added a review of EA’s latest F1 game.
Here’s a bit:

The arcade physics and AI tend to have a snowball effect on other aspects of the game such as damage. There are three settings, forgiving, normal and off. But you'll be saving yourself a world of frustration if you just left damage off because the amount of times your car will get smashed and pushed around will have you pitting every lap otherwise. This is unfortunate because part of the suspense and strategy of F1 is to avoid touching the other cars which makes you more careful and gives you a feeling that there is something greatly at stake if you do hit someone. But seeing how playing with damage off is the only practical way to play the game, this element of suspense is lost.
Full review

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