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February 15, 2001

Red Faction impressions
Posted by @ 2:59 PM, EST
IGN posted first impressions of Volition’s first-person shooter, Red Faction:

The one-playable level demonstrates several cool features that are core to Red Faction. The demo is a single-level that shows off special effects, a good range of weapons usage, and provides players with the ability to pilot a submarine. There is no two-player action in this demo. At the very beginning, you get to control a stationary missile launcher, sort of like a gattling gun, but substituted with grenade-like missiles instead of bullets. We started off the level by grabbing the gun and watching as the militia from the mining corporation Ultor rush in to stop your uprising.
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# 1
Name: jake, E-mail: , Date: Saturday, February, 17 2001 1:36 P.M. ip:
Dear psx2central.
Hey guys! I go to your site all the time, it's one of the most informative ps2 sites since
anyway i was wondering. I got a PS2 and ....i love it but! it seems PC PORTS SUCK ON IT!! LOOK AT UNREAL TOURNAMENT! I understand that ports are worse on ps2, but why is it that companies are still porting, if you make a game only for ps2 it will be better (UT and Timesplitters)
will red faction be good? ive seen screens and tat's cool...but it seems there are looks or framerate, not both.
tell me tihs will change!

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