Posted by @ 3:49 PM, EST
DailyRadar posted first impressions (along with movies and screens) of the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo:
The actual demo plays a great deal like the original Metal Gear Solid, but with much more accuracy to the analog movement and some great new moves. Not only can you stuff baddies in closets and drag them around by either their heads or feet, you can take them to the side of the ship and throw them overboard. That's as good a way as any to make sure a drugged enemy doesn't wake up.Full article
The PS2 makes the textures and environments in Quake III look better than they ever have. The game features updated versions of all the maps found in the PC version of the game, and it even has several exclusive new maps designed specifically for the PS2 version. All the PC maps have received a major face-lift. Some maps have been modified to appeal to a smaller number of players, but most of the maps have simply received a graphical overhaul. New textures and lighting effects make the castle and interior maps look a lot better, and new backgrounds and ambient details make the outdoor and space maps look simply incredible. Some of the best examples of the graphical enhancements to the maps in the Quake III Revolution are the effects added to CTF4, the capture the flag map set in space. The PC version of the map took place in the black void of space, but the PS2 version is set just outside the orbits of several amazingly beautiful planets-- it has solar gasses, and it even features an asteroid belt.Full article
Gameplay has been the primary subject of most of the game's debates and reviews. I found the game to not only control rather well, but I kind of dug the changes made from other Bushido games. The biggest nuisance is the life bars, but that can always be fixed in a sequel. I'd love to say that the game offered many unique fighting styles, but I can't and won't. Most of the fighters not only look similar, but fight similar as well. This takes the game away from greatness, but the game in my opinion is still good.Full review