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March 1, 2001

Sony, Sega & Namco Officially Team Up
Posted by @ 8:51 PM, EST
New Info On Sony's Broadband Plans:

Sony has announced that it will be working with Sega and Namco to deliver broadband content in Arcades and other outlets using Playstation 2 technology starting late this year. This new technology will also include monitors and video cameras rigged up to a high-speed network to connect players in different centers. The companies will offer content and interactive services such as network games, animations, and electronic-commerce at such outlets.
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# 1
Name: Dang Ho, E-mail: , Date: Thursday, March, 1 2001 9:49 P.M. ip:
hi, i just wanted too know if this new broadband is gonna be a add-on to the ps2 or what?k thx

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