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March 6, 2001

Knockout Kings 2001 review
Posted by @ 5:40 PM, EST
We smacked up a review of EA’s boxer:

I firmly believe that KO Kings 2001 has one of, if not the best boxing fighting system ever in a videogame! Every button on the DS2 controller is put to excellent use and because of the controllers many buttons, EA Sports was able to add an incredible amount of variety of punches and moves. For the sake of keeping this review to an acceptable length I won't bother getting into explaining all of the button's functions but I'll just go on record to say that the interface is absolutely superb. There are almost a limitless number of combos that you can perform. For the most part you feel very much in control of your boxer. However sometimes there is a slight delay in reaction to the button inputs but this is just a very minor problem, which doesn't affect the gameplay hardly at all.
Full review

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