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March 7, 2001

EA announces Medal of Honor: Fighter Command
Posted by @ 7:32 PM, EST
Thats right, EA announces to Medal of Honor games for the PS2

According to the developers, the missions are anything but straightforward. Players have to engage in the mission, complete it, and get back out of the area. "You have to make decisions about fuel and damage--you have choices in specific situations like going back to your carrier, jumping out of the plane, or going for a land base--and each decision has its own consequences," a member of the development team told GameSpot. "You have to constantly be thinking about what you do with your machine. If you end up in the water, depending on the decisions you made up to that point, you will be faced with different situations. For example, if you go down in a remote area, you may never be rescued. The single-player campaign has a very specific story. The idea is that we want to use the best aircraft that are suited specifically for each mission--we want to choose aircraft that we can create missions around."

article at

# 1
Name: greg, E-mail: , Date: Friday, March, 9 2001 10:59 A.M. ip:
I feel it will be hard to sucessfully draw the MOH crowd away from the 1st person POV of the original games. If the new "air attack" approach to the game is to be sucessful the missions need to be extremely in depth. I loved the first two games and played them for hours on end until i beat them. The new series has great potential but can just as easily be a total flop....

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