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March 21, 2001

Broken Sword 3 Confirmed for PS2
Posted by @ 6:39 AM, EST
If you've never played a broken sword game before, you should. It's an action/adventure type game, and has you solving puzzles, destroying enemies, and defeating bosses. It's a really fun game and you should check it out.

"The advance in technology finally allows us to create a visually stunning game with a strong atmosphere and plot that exploits the opportunities of a full 3D world. Written very much as a dark crime thriller, with the look and feel of a Hollywood action film, the game will place new demands on players, as they explore a whole new world full of exotic locations."

"Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon will require a mix of skills in order to succeed - including stealth, combat and puzzle solving - making this truly the next generation of adventure games. The game's set pieces will be truly explosive and offer scope for a new breed of puzzle."
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