Update on Quake III Revolution
Posted by @ 11:49 AM, EST
FGN has spoken with David Ratcliffe, executive producer on Quake III Revolution about what new features will be included in the PS2 version on this awesome game:
"Thankfully, EA has included a number of features from the recently released PC add-on, Team Arena. "There are many exclusive PS2 features," Ratcliffe explained. "The single-player campaign to start with, you can now choose one of five characters and build them up as you progress through, gaining more strength, amour-carrying capability etc."Full article
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Name: Truelove, E-mail: , Date: Tuesday, March, 27 2001 7:25 P.M. ip: | |
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The mouse and keyboard sucks. That is why I went out and bought a Hammerhead controller for my pc for unreal tournament. It is set up just like the ps2 controller and I kick ass against you all's mouse & keyboard configurement. I all ways hear: HEADSHOT!....GODLIKE...UNSTOPPABLE!. All ps2 FPS are perfect so will be Quake3. So stop dogging PS2 just because your dreamcast went out of business. Sega does make great games though...and all the better for us ps2 owners! |
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Name: Joe, E-mail: , Date: Monday, March, 26 2001 7:44 P.M. ip: | |
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Name: Nexsumes, E-mail: , Date: Monday, March, 26 2001 6:25 P.M. ip: | |
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I am loyal to Sega for one reason: they make the best games. Yes, even I'll admit that they suck at hardware, but they always make up for it in software. The Saturn was a flop marketwise, but tell me-have you ever played Panzer Dragoon Saga? VF2? These games alone beat out anything the PS2 has yet to offer, even NOW. However I completely agree with you about Sega CD and 32X. And as for Sega "whimping out" of the console business.....Nobody was supporting Sega, only the hardcore gamers who knew what a quality game was compromised of. What was Sega to do? Keep losing millions upon millions and eventually bite the dust? No, they did what they had to do to stay in the industry. THey didn't wimp out. The consumer who didn't support Sega are the ones who "whimped-out." These people that bought into the PS2 were(and still are) riding the hype train. These mainstreamers are the same people that buy games like Gameday 2001 for the PS2. Play it? Tell me what you think. People are so damn ignorant, they believe that just because the PS2 can push more polygons it is automatically better which is complete BS. How many GREAT games are out for the PS2? Madden 2001. Zoe. Ring of Red. GT3(when it arrives). MGS2. Nothing compared to Sega's library 30-40 plus "direct hits" How about Bouncer....one of the most hyped games? Seems that Square still doesn't realize that CG-FMV is NOT gameplay. Oh, and playing QIII with the screen split up 4 ways so you're only playing on the upper left quarter of the screen....I hope you have a big TV. And I hope the other people you're playing with don't cheat and try to look at your screen to see where you are. That's going to be interesting, yup! |
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Name: Paul, E-mail: , Date: Monday, March, 26 2001 12:28 P.M. ip: | |
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sorry to say but i use to love sega products very much. i bought the first sega system and then the sega genesis. after that came such systems like the 32x, sega cd, and sega saturn. what flops of systems. ill admit i like the dreamcast because my brother has it but what a company to be loyal to. they are now just a software company. that is great for sega to whimp out of the console wars because they cant deal with sony, microsoft, and nintendo. oh as far as making decisions i looked hard into this system because it costs so much. that is a big decision no matter what. sorry to say but playstation 2 is the best. i am sorry you cant enjoy quake 3 on the ps2 but i can because of a thing called a mulitap where you can play against 3 of your friends. the same number of people you can play online against for the dreamcast. interesting. |
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Name: Nexsumes, E-mail: , Date: Monday, March, 26 2001 04:48 A.M. ip: | |
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No offense dude, but you've never played QIII?? Am I right? This is how it works: You use the mouse for something called "freelook" Basically all the mouse does is look around and fires the main and secondary weapons. For instance, pushing the mouse forward will make you look down, pulling it back will look up, etc. It is NECESSARY to do quick whip around turns if someone is firing at you from behind. The keyboard is used for movement- strafing, jumping etc. Usually WASD is this.... W=forward A=strafe left S=backward D=strafe right Spacebar=jump Nothing beats this setup, and if you go into a QIII server(not with your PS2, sorry) and try playing with a gamepad....you'll get slaughtered before you even SEE the guy. It's almost a waste to put QIII...(which was designed as a multiplayer) game on the PS2 WITHOUT online support, and without the mouse/key configure. Too bad. However the Dreamcast QIII DOES support the mouse/keyboard support...and you can play online with 3 other people. Much better than playing against computer controlled bots who fight with pre-programmed patterns. But...as sad as it is....Sony's hype machine convinces all those who cannot make decisions for themselves that whatever is on the PS2 is better. Not true. DC kicks PS2's ass. |
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Name: Paul Hunter, E-mail: , Date: Sunday, March, 25 2001 2:06 P.M. ip: | |
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whatever. I am pysched about this game coming to the Ps2. With the additional boards and the extra effort placed in creating this game I can't wait till i pick this game up on Wednesday. What is with everybody always putting such emphasis on playing fps with a keyboard and mouse. everywhere i read articles about fps i see this emphasis on keyboard and mouse. I don't know about you but with my playstation 2 controller i have been able to master other fps shooters like timesplitters and unreal tournament. In this day and age consoles are the biggest asset. even ask Bill Gates. Why is he jumping into the console wars with his x box. Well anyways when wednesday roles around this pretty game will be in my ps2. |
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Name: Nexsumes, E-mail: , Date: Saturday, March, 24 2001 6:10 P.M. ip: | |
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....with no mouse and keyboard support included?? Yea, I'd call that quite a brilliant move. I'm looking forward to playing against computer controlled "bots" with the regular PS2 contoller. Anyone who has played Quake knows what an intense FPS it is, and how much of a necessity the mouse/keyboard is vital to playing, not to mention winning. How am I going to rocket jump? Pinpoint accuracy? Look up and down? What is so damn hard about including supportfor these perhps....I mean, there are USB ports!! Thanks a lot EA. You're just getting better and better. Good job on the layoffs. |