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April 18, 2001

Quake III Revolution review
Posted by @ 5:48 PM, EDT
We added a review of the PS2 version of id’s first person shooter, Quake III Revolution.
Here’s a bit:

In the ladder matches you'll have to fight your way to the top in various types of matches including deathmatch, kills vs. time, possession, one flag CTF, elimination and skirmish. At the end of each tier you fight in elimination where you have a limited number of lives to defeat all of the opponents before moving on. The skirmish mode is the same as elimination only you are transported to different arenas throughout the battle. All of the arenas from the PC version are in Revolution including the ones from Team Arena plus even a few that were specifically designed for the PS2 version. Unlike Unreal Tournament's realistic "real-world" style environments, Revolution's arenas are just that, arenas. They are specifically designed for fast and furious shoot'em up action and there is definitely a lot of it.
Full review

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