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April 28, 2001

Unison Review
Posted by @ 3:18 PM, EDT
We added a review of Tecmo’s dancing game Unison.
Here’s a bit:

Unison requires you to memorize increasingly difficult sequences of analog stick movement, then repeat them again with no visual assistance at all. It becomes a test of memory, rhythm and co-ordination. The game follows a basic formula: view the dance routine in its entirety or in portions, practice the moves, attempt the routine and get a grade of C or higher, move onto the broadcast mode and perform the routine again, if successful move onto the next routine. While you watch the initial routine, the onscreen icons show you how you should be manipulating and memorizing the analog movements. Following these movements with the analog sticks actually makes sense and lends to the action on the screen. It is at this point you have to have some idea of rhythm in order to get into a groove and master each routine.
Full review

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