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July 12, 2001

Sony Uses dPVS
Posted by @ 7:53 PM, EDT
This will be used with such games as Star Wars Galaxies and EverQuest: The Shadows of Luclin.

dPVS is powered by Umbra technology, developed by Finnish company, Hybrid. The technology decides what elements need to be drawn at any time instead of relying on pre-calculated visibility information. The process speeds up rendering and allows for a nearly unlimited number of dynamic objects to exist at the same time. The technology can also help the server determine visibility between players, reducing network traffic and also reducing the opportunities for cheaters, as players will not be able to get information about another player behind a wall, for instance.
Full article

# 2
Name: styx, E-mail: , Date: Saturday, July, 21 2001 12:41 A.M. ip:
dPVS is not a game you dumb ass, it's a program they are using for those who want to play online games. How about next time you read the whole article that goes along with the news headline before you make a stupid comment.

# 1
Name: kick ass, E-mail: , Date: Monday, July, 16 2001 08:41 A.M. ip:
this is a shit game don't buy it

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