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July 27, 2001

MTV Music Generator 2 review
Posted by @ 10:19 AM, EDT
We added a review of Jester’s music game:

In terms of overall design, features and extras, Jester has done a wonderful job. The raw materials and sheer number of options available in the software is staggering. You get tons of samples that are high quality as well as some samples and whole songs from real groups that you can play around with. This aspect is especially useful in the early stages as you get used to the environment and gain confidence in your producing abilities. Pulling everything together allows you to create original soundtracks utilizing samples from the vast library of sounds filled with pre-recorded riffs, vocals and rhythms that range in musical style from rock and R & B to trance and house. Up to 100 songs can be saved to a memory card at any given time.
Full review

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