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January 21, 2000

FF9 Delayed?
Posted by @ 3:34 PM, EST
Even though the game hasn't been announced for psx or psx2,Rumors out of Japan suggest that FF9 has been delayed. The culprit? None other than Dragon Quest 7. Rumors speculate the release date of FF9 was pushed back, because not even Square wanted to compete with the very popular Dragon Quest series. Square originally intended for FF9 to release the same time as DQ7{sometime in march}but it looks like we all might have to wait a little longer for the next installment of the Final Fantasy series.

Or maybe we will just have to wait for a ff collection a little longer. Another rumor from Japan suggests that FF9 will just be a collection of all the FF games, from ff1, gameboy games, to ff8. The rumor also speculates that the collection will be on PS2. We might all have to wait a little longer for a new FF game.

More info and rumors on ff9 when they come available.

Comment: i hope that FF9 will not turn out as a collection of all FF game. I hope that they will make new story and super long adventure.......

Comment: I heard that Square will announce a compilation of all the FF games at the upcoming Square summit meeatin in a couple of days.It will be on 2 DVD discs because they added extra CG sequences to the older games-like what they did with FF Anthology.

Comment: Sorry to all you collection hopefuls, FF9 will definetly not be a collection Square has already mention that the CG team has already moved on to other projects and that all FF9's cinema's are complete. The game will be shown at the square millenium show this month.

Comment: They can easily fit all the FF's,from 1 to 8 on 1 DVD disc.I heard that one DVD can hold 7 FFVII'S!!!

Name:the hater
Comment: fuck final fantasy

Comment: I've heard a rumor about FFIX being a sort of sequel to FFVIII and you play
as Laguna kind of like a opposite world with short bits of squall when you
met him in FFVIII.

Comment: You know...I own alot of the Final Fantasy games (about 5) and I think that if they are going to make a collection, they should make it consisting of the 3 Final Fantasy games on NES (and yes, there were 2 more we didn't see because they were only out in Japan) and all the titles from SNES. Why should they make a new copy of FF7? The only thing they can do is make it worst considering that it's 3 cds. Oh well, I hope Square makes the right decision on this one. Afterall, they are just about the best RPG makers there is.

Comment: i hope that ff9 will be a collection, all my old games have broke or stopped working.

Comment: I have also heard this rumor, but i didnt know about the rumor about the ff collection thing, wow i hope that ff9 dont turn out to be a collection.

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