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January 31, 2000

PS2 shortage?
Posted by @ 12:52 PM, EST
Incitegames posted a spicy article...
Here’s a slice:

"According to an employee at a Japanese factory supplying key components for the PlayStation2, the company is unable to produce the quantities originally agreed upon with Sony in order to meet the console's launch quotas. The source would not reveal exactly which component it is producing for the PlayStation2.

Although Sony is pressuring the company to increase its production rate, it appears unlikely that the company will be able to do so before March 4. Sony has made no official comment on whether the production glitch will affect the number of PlayStation2 consoles available at launch, but according to our source, it appears nearly certain that the number will be far reduced from original expectations."

Full story
Thanks to Super PSX2 for the news.

Name:Karl Scantlebury
Comment: I totally agree. I know that it will be much worse than the Dreamcast launch where systems were between $700 and even a $1000 and that was just Sega . Imagine Sony's lauch, Only 33 days to go. I expect the price to soar way above $1000 US.

Comment: Dangit!! Without Sony's supposed 1 million units at launch, we import buyers are gonna be paying an arm and a leg for this sucker. I wouldn't be surprised to see the PS2 selling for a cool grand come launch day.

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