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March 9, 2000

Enternal Ring moive
Posted by @ 3:58 PM, EST
Incitegames posted a new of the Eternal Ring that shows some gameplay.
Movie (10 MB)

Comment: Actually X box is capable of havin 150 million triangular polygons with effects.300million are with no effects.

Comment: Well, "Kituka is a brainless asshole," EVERYTHING you said is an assumption. You don't know the PS2 will be the best console ever. What do you mean by "best?" As far as sound goes, Dolphin and X-Box will be more advanced. Controller ports? Dolphin, X-Box, hell, even DC, all have 4. Graphics? X-Box will push over 300,000,000 polys per second, with Dolphin presumably near that amount. PS2 only pushes 75,000,000 with no effects, pal. Games- Nintendo has always produced the best games, and Microsoft has TONS of developers signing on to make games for their new baby. Expect to see LOTS of PS2 games on X-Box..........looking at least 20X better, that is. See, have to watch out which words you use.

Name:Kituka is a brainless @sshole
Comment: The PS2 is the best console ever. It has sold more in one day than the Dreamcast did on its first week! The X-BOX is rubbish cause no one will buy it. The X-box won't look better than the PS2 as the PS2 only looks a bit better than the Dreamcast even though it is 150% more powerful. By the time the X-box and Dolphin come out everyone will have a PS2. Want to know why? Because everyone who has a Psx will get a PS2 because of the backwards compatability and that Sony pulled through last time. Unlike Nintendo, the N64 let EVERYONE down so the people who had a N64 will get a Playstation2.

Comment: This is what I have to say- X-Box pushes 300 million polygons per second, calculates 1,000,000,000,000 operations per second, has 64 MB of RAM, has an 8 GB hard drive, has 4 controller ports, has a custom audio processor, and uses PS2 as a toilet lid. Irvin, you're right- I did say that. I got to thinking about the whole game industry and came to this conclusion- I've owned 2 DC's, 6 PS's, 4 N64's, an Atari Jaguar, a Game Gear, a Game Boy Color, a TurbografX 16, a 3DO, and etc. and I think it's time for something new. Microsoft is what's new, and as for me, I'll back them 100%. You admit Sony wasn't expecting something this huge, right? Oh yeah, if you guys want facts for all I said, go to,,,, etc. I'll leave you with a juicy little tid-bit:
How powerful is this new graphics processor, anyway?
According to Coyner, the fastest chip currently on the market is about 5% of the power of the chip they're currently developing. That's a whole lot of polygons, people...

Comment: Kituka you said that "PS2 has more power under its hood than anyone needs".Doesnt this count for X box super power as well?

Comment: Forgot to mention that the x-box is made by the same people that make windows do you want to be playing a game and then all of a sudden the dame thing freezes. How many times has you psx freezed mine has freezed three times in the last 5years, my computer has freezed 3 times in the last 5days witch one would you want.

Comment: The x-box is just going to be a computer it's nothing special it as a GeForce card big deal I have that card in my computer and I have more mhz and ram so my computer is going to be better than the x-box. PS2 kicks any and all A$$

Comment: Face the facts, Jimmy. PS2 won't be the strongest machine out- this is common knowledge. As time progresses, so does technology, so when X-Box launches late next year, and when Dolphin launches early next year, don't be amazed when each of these systems eclipses PS2 in virtually every area. So what? Jim, honestly, I don't give a damn about specs. Specs, flatly put, aren't a measurement of success and of quality games. Hell, PS2 has more power under its hood than anyone needs, you know? The first generation of launch titles in Japan really aren't indicative of all the phenomenal software to come later in the future. I'll try to get all the systems so I can enjoy each ones' respective titles because, in the end, what I really love is playing quality games, not arguing and whining like I sometimes do (I know, I know- you're probably saying like I always do). Hey, by the way, if you want to see a KILLER early demo of X-Boxes' capabilities, go to, click on "Microsoft Announces X-Box," and download the movie there. Isn't it sweet!!!! Lastly, today Microsoft will announce their system's specs, what they have going for them, their developers (growing by the minute), etc. Be sure to keep watch of all that's going on, so we can discuss it later!!!!

Comment: Ading to this eternal ring isnt even using the 8% of PS2 power.And Bill go to hell.Eternal Ring is Gozilla for PS2.Only with better graphics.Godzilla is a lot worse than Eternal Ring.And just because etrnal ring is a crap game it doesnt mean than PS2 is going to fail.RR V is generally better than any other racer available on the DC.Also SF ex3 is a great game.Graphics could have been better.But why dint you tell me?Why did RRv TTT SFex3 etc got almost a perfect score?BECAUSE THEY ARE GREAT GAMES.

Comment: Kituka, i've just about had it with your incessant whining. Why don't you just go marry Bill Gates, huh? As for 2X the power, he is talking about ram and processor speed, which don't make as much difference on a console, its the fpu on a cosole that does the work. The XBOX is using a standard video card, and not and advanced physics synthesis machine either. And di he mention how many GFLOPS it could do? No? And when was the last time Bill Gates was honest?
So in conclusion, shut yer hole you hypocritical mis-informed moron.

Comment: Yea, that's EXACTLY what I've been thinking. Hell, now that the X-Box is a reality (just go to for the concrete news) and will be more than 2X stronger than PS2, and with Dolphin coming, I can honestly tell you all Sony has lost 1 customer. Too much hype can backfire, you know.

Name:mm and bjorn practice the ancient art of beastiality
Comment: Are you sure this isn't a title from the first playstation...the graphics much resemble that of King's Field. Let alone the Dreamcast, i'm starting to wonder if the playstation2 is more powerful than the playstation!!!

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