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March 9, 2000

PlayStation2 sold 720,000 in first three days
Posted by @ 4:10 PM, EST
They didn't sell the 980 000 first stated. And it has to do with the memorycards...
Here’s an article from Nikkei Electronics:

March 9, 2000 (TOKYO) -- Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) said it sold 720,000 units of its PlayStation2 video game machine in the first three days after the March 4 launch in Japan.

Ordinary retail outlets accounted for 600,000 of the units sold, and another 120,000 were sold over the Internet via online retailer (Japan) Inc.

At first, SCE had planned to ship a million of the PS2 machines over the first two days, but a company spokesperson explained that there was a problem with the supply of flash memory chips used in the memory cards for the PS2. SCE said it had to lower its initial sales target. The company now says that increased production of the flash memory chips will allow it to reach the 1 million mark some time mid-month. For the time being, sales of memory cards other than those supplied with the PS2 machine itself have been halted. They are scheduled to become available again in the latter part of the month.

Neo, one of PS2 Central’s foreign correspondents, has had problems with his memory card, his DVD driver got erased after playing RRV so he had to reload it from the utility disc to the memory card again to be able to watch DVDmovies.
And he just sent me a message saying that: "the memory cards for PS2 are being changed, the cards shipped with the machine are faulty, but Sony are working on the new cards right now, the chips inside are being changed, also the utility disc will be updated..."

Comment: Even if microsoft succeeds i wont give any sighns of admire about microsoft because they dont deserve succes.Bill owns enough money he could make his own chocolate, drink,car or whatever and be succesful with every single product.Why?Because he can take risks without reducing any profit with.

Comment: I prefer not to by single console than buying X box and do Bill a favour.

Name:News to Use
Comment: I hope all of you are enjoying the X-box speck. Well, You can burn my ass all you want, but what if I told you that in 2003 the game console to kill all game consoles will come out, and it will be developed all according to how the x-Box does. Here is a clue for you no PS3 NO DC2 AND NO DOLPHIN 2 ONLY ONE. (EXPECT A MERGER TO BE ANNOUNCED. Just keep watching the news. For something called "PROJECT REALITY" I WON'T BE HERE EVER AGAIN SO YOU'RE COMMENTS ARE WASTED.

Comment: You people make me laugh! So much passion for these systems. Why don't you marry them, for crying out loud?? As for..."Holy shit!! 3 gazzillion polygons with a 100,000,000 ghz the games will be so much better man. Photo realistic graphics man I can't wait till the next Tomb Raider on these upcoming systems!!!!!" Give me a break!! What good is more power in new systems when developers are not even going to be tapping into the true potential of the PS2, DC and eventually X-box for a while to come?? And what makes a good game? Graphics? C'mon, wise up! It's all about gameplay! God you people sound like morons sometimes. Get a girlfriend!

Comment: Irvin, what do you mean it won't be considered a game console? Was Sony considered a videogame console developer when it launched PS? No, it wasn't- people thought Sony had no right to enter the game arena, yet look at what they have achieved. I'll go down on record right here and now and will say Microsoft will be the new leader in videogames. Hell, they're releasing a machine next year that is competition for PS3, for God's sake. Go to,, could go on- just GO TO THESE SITES AND READ ABOUT IT YOURSELVES. Oh, and the games and developers? They're all on board. I bet every PS2 game will come to X-Box...........looking AT LEAST 20X better, that is.

Comment: Well, it can honestly be said that X-Box makes PS2 look like what PS2 makes NES look like- outdated technology. For the facts, go to,,,, I could go on, but there's no need. It will be capable of pushing 300 million polygons per second, guys. You can't ignore that no matter how Sony hardcore you are. Also, the GPU can calculate 1,000,000,000,000 operations per second- that's right, 1 trillion!!!!! Holy $#@%!!!!!! Photo-realism at last!!! Just go to the newsites- they'll do the talking for me. As for Sony, its system has lost all its bark. Face it- they're screwed. Microsoft has TONS of people signing up to make the most incredible games. I bet almost every PS2 game will eventually come to X-Box, but probably looking 20X+ better. You'd better believe it....

Name:Jean-Fran�ois JOLLIVEL
Comment: Someone knows where i can buy psx2 on the web
(in japan or in an other country ???

Comment: People will see x box like a different home system that has nothing to do with PS2 Dolphin or DC

Comment: I dont give a damn shit about X box.For me its a complete different system that has nothing to do in the gaming arena even if it is a game console.With other words people wont give any attention to the x box as a PS2 or Dolphin or DC "enemy".Its like saying The "Furbies" are competing against other consoles(a strange toy against video consoles?).Is Pizza hut stealing customers from McDonalds?Is the Sun better than the moon?

Comment: I dont give a damn shit about X box.For me its a complete different system that has nothing to do in the gaming arena even if it is a game console.With other words people wont give any attention to the x box as a PS2 or Dolphin or DC "enemy".Its like saying The "Furbies" are competing against other consoles(a strange toy against video consoles?).Is Pizza hut stealing customers from McDonalds?Is the Sun better than the moon?

Comment: lol

Comment: PS2 will blow all the competition away. N64 will crumble, and as for DC, it is
a cool system, but it will die. Also, I think that the problems with memory
cards aren't really bad (then again, I am an American gamer:) but Sony will fix
it. Who knows what will happen in the future of PS2?

Comment: Guess what, ya'll!!!!! Microsoft has announced the specs of X-Box.........and 300 million polygons per second is the polygon count!!!!! Sony is in deep trouble..........

Comment: You people all are sucks, Complainers, but they are fixing the problems, you people don't understand the issue there....I'm looking forward when it comes to Ontario, I been reading all the news update and see what they are going through so stop complaining, and be patient, nobody is perfect.....

Comment: PS2 suks! DC never had problems in Japan. PS2 does not compare to DC

Comment: Anyone who dislikes Kituka should check out the eternal ring movie comments. I probably won't be around this site much more to annoy him and correct his incorrect statements. Could someone take over?

Comment: all i have to say is: thankgod the PS2 came out in Japan first. Man, they get all the sh*tty launches, half-ass games, memory problems, overheating, corrupt DVD drivers. Hell yea I'll wait till the end of this year if it means that all these problems will be ironed better launch titles. It's good to be an American gamer!

Name:your a morom
Comment: Oh, suck on my chocolate, salty balls . . .

They did sell 980,000 in the weekend . . . it's just that 200,000 were not delivered from their websight because they found out about the mem. card problems.

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